SD Gundam G Generation World Wiki


Mafty Navue Erin[]

射撃 Shooting 23
格闘 Melee 23
反応 Reaction 21
守備 Defense 24
覚醒 Awakening 45
指揮 Leadership 11
魅力 Charisma 8
MP 430
EXP for Lv2


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

ニュータイプ Newtype Increases Awaken and Special Awaken weapons attack power.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

隠密 Stealth Increases accuracy when pilot initiates the battle.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

刻苦 Hard Work Decreases all pilot stats by 10. Increases EN consumption of all weapons by 10%.

Increases all EXP and score earned when placed as pilot/warship captain. Bonus increases as level for the ability goes up.

熱血 Hot Blooded Increases the pilot's Shooting, Melee, Evasion, and Defense by 3 when tension is at High, 6 at Super High, and 9 at Super Critical. 10
統制 Command Increases Master/Leader Area by 3 when assigned as Master/Leader. 10
統率力 Leadership Increases Group Area when placed as warship captain.

Effect increases as Level for the ability goes up.

威風 Dignity Reduces MP loss within group when placed as warship captain. 20
気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. 20
闘将 Battle Commander Increases Unit's Attack. Increases Leader Area +3 when assigned as Leader.

Attack bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

必殺 Sure Kill Chance to inflict Super Criticals when tension is not at Super Critical state.

Percentage increases as level for the Ability goes up.


Rein Eim[]

射撃 Shooting 22
格闘 Melee 20
反応 Reaction 19
守備 Defense 23
覚醒 Awakening 45
指揮 Leadership 8
魅力 Charisma 9
MP 400
EXP for Lv2 920


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

ニュータイプ Newtype Increases Awaken and Special Awaken weapons attack power.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

好戦 Aggressive Increases Pilot's Reaction and Unit's Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

エリート Elite Increases EXP earned for unit.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 10
熱血 Hot Blooded Increases the pilot's Shooting, Melee, Evasion, and Defense by 3 when tension is at High, 6 at Super High, and 9 at Super Critical. 10
操艦センス Helmsman Sense Increases warship evasion when placed as warship helmsman.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

対空砲火 Anti-Air Fire Increases attack power of a warship's rapid-firing weapons (AA Guns) when placed as warship helmsman. 20
射撃管制 Fire Control Increases warship accuracy when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. 30
必殺 Sure Kill Chance to inflict Super Criticals when tension is not at Super Critical state.

Percentage increases as level for the Ability goes up.


Gigi Andalusia[]

Gigi Andalusia
射撃 Shooting 5
格闘 Melee 5
反応 Reaction 5
守備 Defense 5
覚醒 Awakening 40
指揮 Leadership 3
魅力 Charisma 15
Cost profile 50%
MP 350
EXP for Lv2


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

幸運 Fortune Increases ACE Point gain by 2 when placed as Guest of a Warship per Battle. None
気分屋 Moody Person MP change fluctuates after battle. None
単独行動 Independent Action Increases accuracy and damage when battling without support.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

身軽 Lightweight When piloting Units that are Size M or smaller, increases Unit Mobility and Evasion.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

ニュータイプ Newtype Increases Awaken and Special Awaken weapons attack power.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

カリスマ Charisma Increases Charm and EXP gain within group when placed as warship guest.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

恐怖 Fear Decreases enemy MP when attacks connect. (Excludes MAP weapons)

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 20
機敏 Agile Increases Unit Mobility.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

練達 Adaptive Increases all Terrain Ratings of a Unit by 1 (ie. B -> A). Does not apply to those without Terrain Ratings. 40